Circular Economy – we know the right turn!
Produce, consume, throw away: no more of that. Here we show you how to make your products fit for the circular economy with FKuR bioplastics and recyclates.
Sustainable concepts for the circular economy
The circular economy is seen as a solution to the global waste problem, curbing resource consumption and reducing climate-damaging greenhouse gases. But what exactly is the circular economy and how can it succeed?

The principle of sustainable circular economy is simple:
All products, parts and materials should be used as long and as efficiently as possible. By repairing, refurbishing and reusing products, their useful life can be further extended and waste avoided. If reuse is no longer possible, products are broken down into their original materials again and recycled. The circular economy can thus help conserve natural resources, minimize environmental impact and create a sustainable, dynamic and innovative economy.
Our conclusion: Consumption and production must move away from the idea of single use – the linear economy is proving to be a one-way street. The circular economy is thus an important step in tackling the global challenges of our time.

Reuse, recycle, close the loop! Our contribution to the circular economy
For us, it has long been clear that nature should be the model for all of us. Because everything it produces is needed, used and recycled. There is no waste, only valuable resources. If the life cycle of plastic products is modeled on the closed cycle of nature, we conserve it sustainably. In addition, we recover valuable materials from waste. To close this circle, it is essential that plastics are produced from renewable resources.
After their use, plastics must be disposed of properly and returned to the raw materials cycle through recycling. Plastics have become an indispensable part of our lives. Plastics are used in our clothing and cosmetics, in everyday products, utensils and vehicles. They have become a standard material in medicine and for packaging. And although they have many purposes and are used on a daily basis, plastic does not enjoy a good reputation. It is made from finite fossil raw materials and thrown away as packaging after a single use.
Bioplastics as part of the circular economy – how we conserve resources
For this reason, we at FKuR develop innovative plastics. Our bioplastics conserve limited fossil resources and can thus reduce environmental impacts. Together with our customers, we work on solutions to ensure that plastic products are suitable for either mechanical or organic recycling.
Our bioplastics are already used by many customers in packaging, household goods, writing utensil, furniture, toy and consumer goods industries, as well as in applications in the agricultural and gardening sectors. They are processed by means of injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming and blow molding, for example. Even more rewarding than looking back on successful products is the prospect of ideas for new products and projects that have yet to be developed. Would you also like to contribute your share to the circular economy? We will show you how you can implement the principles of a sustainable circular economy through renewable raw materials and recycled plastics in your products.
Learn more about the circular economy and the “8R” principles, bioplastics, recyclability and sustainable product design here.