Healthcare Day 2022
Do something good for yourself and your health!
Do something good for yourself and your health!
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, our Health Day finally took place again on September 5, 2022 at FKuR under this motto. It was packed with a variety of valuable topics. In addition to presentations and health checks, our colleagues were offered an active hands-on program under the guidance of the gym Halle 22. The focus of the hands-on program was on trying out and learning easy-to-implement and efficient exercises that can be easily integrated into everyday life – so that our “inner weaker self” has no chance for excuses 😉.

Health checkups
As part of small health checkups, blood pressure and blood glucose levels were determined, for example, and stress measurements were carried out. If there were any abnormalities, countermeasures were discussed directly.

Customized hearing protection
For our employees in production, there were additional special topic blocks at the Health Day. The company Cotral made our employees aware of the importance of well-fitting, adapted hearing protection. Some colleagues were able to take ear moulds directly at the health day, others already had an appointment for an ear mould and were able to receive and test their customized hearing protectors.

Which shoe fits best?
To ensure that the shoe does not pinch, the company Lyreco was available to our employees with advice and assistance on the subject of safety shoes. Upon request, our staff were able to have their feet measured in order to solve any existing problems.

Doing something actively against back problems
This was the motto of the active exercise program of Halle 22, because back problems are one of the most common diseases. So, in beautiful sunshine, we rolled out the mats in the FKuR Oasis, mobilized our backs, stretched muscles and tendons, and learned exercises to strengthen the back muscles.
How much muscle mass do you lose every year?

Do you know how much percent muscle mass each person loses annually from the age of 25, should not actively counteract this with sports?
1% muscle mass we lose per year! Scary, isn’t it? If you also want to do something for your body and your health, take a look at Halle 22 or their Youtube channel. Here you will find great videos for everyone to practice!

Bioplastics at your fingertips
Our sales department prepared a short presentation to show our production team what is made from the compounds they produce. This regular mutual exchange of information is particularly important to us. In addition to gaining professional insights, all FKuR employees also learn about other exciting things happening at FKuR.

Feel good @ FKuR
During the lunch break, the boss called for a barbecue! It’s always great to see colleagues exchanging ideas at such an event. For us as a company, employees who act in concert, support each other, build each other up, complement each other and work together as a team are particularly important. Our health day is one of our company events that reinforce precisely this team spirit.