Boxes and Jars from Bioplastics and Recyclates
Made from bio packed in bio - bioplastics for sustainable screw cap jars and boxes in the cosmetics and food industry. Alternatively, we offer high-quality recycled PCR plastics for non-food applications.
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Why environmentally conscious cosmetic jars and boxes made from FKuR plastic?
Perfect packaging is the harmonious combination of visual appeal, material and message. Because the inner values count, just like the outer ones! More and more customers not only value natural ingredients in products, but are also willing to pay for sustainable packaging. Take advantage of this opportunity with our bio-based or biodegradable granulates and develop sustainable and individual packaging solutions for your customers.
Bioplastics for sustainable jars, with screw tops and snap tops
We offer an extensive portfolio of bio-based, recyclable or biodegradable plastics. Whether for tubes, bottles, jars or cosmetic accessories: With our bio-based, recyclable Terralene® Bio-PE compounds, our biodegradable Bio-Flex® granules or Braskem’s bio-based Green PE, we supply the right bioplastic for every kind of cosmetic or food packaging.
Products made from our bioplastics perform just as well as products made from conventional plastics. In addition, the raw materials can be excellently processed on existing production lines into boxes and jars of a wide variety of shapes and colors. Compared to conventional plastic packaging, packaging made from renewable raw materials stands out from the crowd and supports the natural message of your brand. For us, a “Perfect Product Fit” – Bio Packaged in Bio.
Depending on the grade, the Terralene® and Bio-Flex® brand granules surprise with their special feel or look and offer cosmetics brands a palpable innovative packaging concept. Other decisive advantages of biomaterials are the achievement of closed CO2 cycles, the conservation of fossil resources through the use of renewable raw materials, and an alternative end-of-life option for biodegradable products.
Recyclable, bio-based plastics for food jars and boxes: safe & certified
The legal requirements for food packaging are extremely high. In the European Union, there are various legal requirements for plastic food packaging to ensure that it complies with consumer protection and environmental protection standards. There are still a number of hurdles in this regard, particularly when it comes to the use of recycled plastics.
For example, the use of recyclates for primary packaging in the food and pharmaceutical industries is largely prohibited due to strict legal requirements in Regulations EC 10/2011 and EC 1935/2004 and EU 2022/1616. Regulation (EU) No 282/2008 on food contact materials made from recycled plastic also sets out requirements for the purity and safety of recycled plastic used for food packaging. This regulation ensures that recycled plastic that comes into contact with food does not transfer any harmful substances to food and guarantees consumer protection. Recycled materials may also only be used in cosmetics packaging to a limited extent and under certain circumstances.
If packaging manufacturers want to make their food packaging more sustainable today, our bio-based, highly recyclable drop-in bioplastics such as Terralene® and I’m green™ bio-based polyethylene, which have been tested for food contact, are the right choice.
Recycled post-consumer plastics and recycled compounds for the non-food sector
At FKuR, we are convinced that sustainability requires a holistic approach. That’s why we produce innovative materials such as bioplastics and recyclates for sustainable packaging concepts.