Webinar Circular Economy & Recycling

"Circular Economy & Recycling"


Webinar FKuR

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Webinar Circular Economy & Recycling

For the circular economy to work, plastic products must be recyclable. But what must plastic products be like so that they are not sorted out in the recycling process? And what, in turn, can be made from the recyclate? Can we recycle plastics endlessly? And what about bioplastics?

“Recyclable” is the magic word

In the webinar “Cicular Economy & Recycling” Patrick Zimmermann (FKuR) and Jöran Reske (Interseroh+ GmbH) will shed light on aspects of the circular economy and its impact on the plastics industry and especially on recycling. Sign up to learn more about the interplay of stakeholders in creating a functioning circular economy.


From Linear to Circular (Patrick Zimmermann)

  • FKuR´s vision of a Circular Economy
  • Plastic types
  • Design of plastic products

Recycling of (Bio-) plastics (Jöran Reske)

  • Definition, facts & figures
  • The process: what is collected and how it is sorted
  • Recycling in different countries
  • Recycling of bioplastics today and in 10 years’ time

Q&A, Discussion