Innovation forum for biopolymers and bioplastics
Bioplastics and biopolymers
Biopolymers, also known as bioplastics or bioplastics, have become firmly established in numerous applications due to their versatile properties and excellent processability. In this context, products made from bioplastics are just as efficient and durable as products made from conventional plastics. In 2021, the global bioplastics and biopolymers market size was $3,961 million. With growing consumer demand for sustainable products, the international bioplastics and biopolymers market is forecast to grow to US$29.691 million by 2030.
Take advantage of the World Biopolymers and Bioplastics Innovation Forum event in Berlin to meet our Oliver Puffer and talk to leading manufacturers about the future of bioplastics and biopolymers and gain real-world insights.
Why do we need Circular Economy?
Everyone is talking about the buzzword “circular economy” – but how does it work and is bioplastics the solution to pollution and climate change? In his presentation, Patrick Zimmermann will give you insights into the topic “Circular economy but natural – renewable raw materials as an essential part of a solution.” give.
Or do you want to get an overview of our granules?
We offer a comprehensive portfolio of bioplastics for the circular economy, recyclates as well as bio-recyclate hybrids for all processing methods. HERE you can find our “Plastics care for Future” portfolio .