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PRSE - Plastics Recycling Show Europe

Circular Economy in Focus

We are delighted to once again be part of the Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) this year – the leading trade fair and conference for plastics recycling in Europe. Visit us on April 1 and 2, 2025, in Amsterdam at Stand G100.

The highlight of PRSE: Giving plastics a new life

The PRSE is the perfect venue to discuss current trends, technologies, and challenges in the field of plastics recycling. At FKuR, we are committed to conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact. As pioneers in sustainable plastic solutions, we will showcase our broad range of sustainable plastic granulates that save fossil resources and support the principles of the circular economy.

Material solutions for PPWR requirements

The EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) mandates the use of recycled materials and promotes recyclable design. Discover how our products can support you in meeting the requirements of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) – from recyclability and material efficiency to the use of recycled content.
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Promoting the circular economy with high-quality recycled PCR or PIR materials

The use of recyclates helps reintegrate plastic waste into the material cycle, reduce the need for new plastics, and thus promote the circular economy. Our high-quality recycled plastics from post-consumer (PCR) or post-industrial (PIR) waste streams can be used to manufacture high-grade plastic products that comply with the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. Our portfolio includes EuCertPlast-certified polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) recyclates for injection molding, blow molding, and film extrusion.

zur Case Study Discover recycled materials today! 

(Bio-)Plastics meet recycling: Bioplastic compounds with recycled content

Bio-Rezyklat-Hybride erfüllen außerdem die Anforderungen der EU-Verpackungsverordnung (PPWR)

A bio-recyclate hybrid combines the advantages of bio-based plastics (from renewable raw materials) and recyclates (recycled plastics). Bio-based components replace fossil plastics, contributing to the conservation of finite resources. Bio-recyclate hybrids also meet the requirements of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), helping companies comply with regulations while taking additional steps towards carbon neutrality. Our bioplastic compounds with recycled content are suitable for injection molding.

zur Case Study Discover them now! 


Bio-based plastics like Green PE & Terralene – a food-safe alternative to recyclates

Recyclates are an excellent resource for reintegrating plastic waste into the material cycle. However, in applications requiring food safety, they often reach their limits. This is where our bio-based plastics like Green PE and Terralene® come into play – sustainable alternatives that replace fossil raw materials while meeting the highest standards.

Green PE bietet als Drop-in-Lösung eine erneuerbare Alternative zu herkömmlichem Polyethylen (PE). Es ist nicht nur recycelbar sondern auch lebensmittelkonform und wird in Anwendungen wie Lebensmittel-Verpackungen und Kosmetika bereits vielfältig eingesetzt.

Green PE offers a drop-in renewable alternative to conventional polyethylene (PE). It is not only recyclable but also food-safe and is already widely used in applications such as food packaging and cosmetics. Unlike traditional polyethylene, the ethanol for producing Green PE is derived not from fossil fuels like petroleum but from renewable sugarcane. This bio-based approach enables up to 2.12 tons of CO₂ to be captured from the atmosphere per ton of I’m green™ bio-based HDPE, actively contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Bio-based Green PE offers the same excellent properties as conventional polyethylene. It is available in various grades, including HDPE, LDPE, and LLDPE, which are characterized by excellent processability and versatile performance profiles.

hybrid compounds based on polypropylene (PP) recyclate and renewable raw materials.

Terralene® is a range of bio-based compounds based on polyethylene (PE) from renewable resources, known for their versatility and good recyclability. It is ideal for processing methods such as injection molding, blow molding, and film extrusion and meets stringent regulatory requirements, even in sensitive areas like food packaging.

With bio-based plastics like I’m green™ bio-based Polyethylene (Bio-PE) and Terralene®, companies can reduce their dependence on and use of fossil raw materials while developing products that are food-safe, high-quality, sustainable, and future-proof. They are the perfect complement or alternative to recyclates and represent another step towards a circular economy.

Meet us at PRSE

Visit us at our booth, Stand G100. As plastics enthusiasts, we will provide you with a range of high-quality recycled and bio-based raw materials that form the foundation of a circular economy. Benefit from tailored solutions that advance your sustainability goals. Secure your trade fair ticket.




Looking for an alternative material? Recyclable bioplastics!

Learn more about our biodegradable, bio-based, and recyclable plastics that offer the perfect balance between sustainability and functionality.

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