Patrick Zimmermann @ ECB (European Bioplastics Conference)

EBC 24 – The European Bioplastics Conference

10th / 11th December 2024, Titanic Hotel in Berlin

Circular economy and recycling are in the spotlight!

Plastics made from fossil fuels have already proven their worth, but sustainable materials are the stars of the future. The future of the circular economy and recycling lies in using sustainable materials and closing the (carbon) loop. Instead of relying on single-use CO2 sources such as petroleum, it is crucial to focus on bio-based and renewable materials. By combining recycled and bio-based materials, we can not only reduce CO2 emissions, but also create innovative products with interesting properties.

Bio-based, biodegradable or recycled plastics?

Patrick Zimmermann speaks at European Bioplastics Conference 2024

With our bio-based, biodegradable and recycled raw material solutions, FKuR is committed to the circular economy and a systemic shift to renewable carbon. Meet us on December 10th and 11th at the EBC24 in Berlin! Because we firmly believe that the sustainable transformation of the plastics industry is crucial to protecting our environment and ensuring a future worth living.

Bioplastics or recyclates? The choice is yours!

Click here for our “Plastics care for Future” portfolio and recyclates portfolio.