A cause close to our hearts
FKuR supports the Tafel e.V. in Willich
The year is coming to an end. Time to tidy up the desk, wrap up projects and then pause for a few days and let the magic of this holiday season work its magic on you.
Being mindful of others
Many people are familiar with the concept of mindfulness in connection with the reduction of personal stress. We all know that stress can be very intense during the “festive season”: presents have to be bought, countless events have to be attended and last minute appointments have to be made.

In this special time of the year, we should be especially mindful not only of ourselves, but also of our fellow people and our environment. Mindfulness does not only mean deceleration, but also concentration on the essential and above all gratitude. That is why we are once again foregoing giving Christmas presents to our customers and business partners this year and instead are supporting people and projects that are particularly close to our hearts and deserve a very special thank you.

Christmas parcel donation
campaign to the „Tafel Willich“
In order to support our fellow people locally in Willich, we turned words into deeds and have participated in this year’s Christmas parcel donation campaign of the “Willicher Tafel” (The Willicher Tafel is a charity association active in the city of Willich, supporting people in need with foodstuff). For this purpose FKuR donates Christmas packages with durable food, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, pastries and canned goods, which we have put together with much love and care.

Donate food
We hope to inspire those around us to do the same. Perhaps you still have non-perishable foodstuffs that have been bought in excess or are not needed after all?
Don’t throw them away, because by donating food to the “Tafel” food distribution boards, everyone can make an important contribution: minimizing food waste and conserving resources at the same time. The Tafel is happy to receive bakery products, fruit and vegetables, as well as refrigerated and frozen products. In addition, articles of daily use are popular, for which the limited budget is often not enough: for example, drugstore items, books, children’s toys and similar donations of goods.
FKuR also supports the Tafel financially
In addition, we support the valuable and important work of the helpers on site with a financial donation to the Willicher Tafel e.V.. This donation can be used to make new purchases or pay for insurance, rent, utilities and general vehicle costs. All employees work on a voluntary basis – they deserve our special thanks.

FKuR sends
Season’s Greetings
With this in mind, we wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season and lots of luck, health and confidence for the New Year.