Biodegradable plastics

Sustainable solution or new source of microplastics?

Biodegradable plastics as an environmentally friendly alternative?

Biodegradable plastics are regarded as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional plastics, as they are returned to the biological cycle – following nature’s example. But are they really the sustainable solution or just a new source of microplastics? In this webinar (in German), you will learn what it takes for these bioplastics to really break down and help reduce the environmental impact of microplastics. In addition to our bioplastics specialist Niklas Voß, Miriam Weber and Christian Lott, marine biologists and managing directors of HYDRA Marine Sciences GmbH, will share their knowledge about the biodegradation of plastics in nature and answer your questions about biodegradable plastics.

Biodegradable plastics: Webinar

Date: April 10, 2025
Time: 10 a.m.

In German language only!

zur Case StudyRegister now ! 


  • Important basics: Understand the small but significant differences between compostability, degradability and degradation rates.
  • Degradability factors: Learn how temperature, moisture, oxygen and microorganisms affect degradation and the role of international certifications.
  • Practical knowledge: What effects do the processing of the plastic and the printing of the product have on degradability? What actually is microplastic and where does it come from?
  • Application examples: Find out for which products it is already worth switching to biodegradable plastics and which disposal routes are available in Germany.
  • Littering: How do biodegradable plastics behave in nature? Can they really solve the problem of environmental pollution?

After the webinar, you will be able to make a well-founded assessment of when and where biodegradable plastics are a sensible alternative. You will recognize potential pitfalls and understand how you can contribute to greater sustainability through conscious material selection.

The webinar is aimed at anyone interested in sustainable materials: Companies that want to operate more sustainably, those interested in the environment and anyone who wants to make informed decisions when choosing products.
Register now and discover the possibilities and limitations of biodegradable plastics!

Discover our product examples made from biodegradable plastics!

Would you like to know more about the benefits and applications of biodegradable plastics? Click here to explore our product examples made of biodegradable plastics, such as mulch film, plant pots, plant clips and hooks, menu trays or urns!

Plastics care for Future

Discover our innovative solutions today! Click here to dive into our “Plastics care for Future” portfolio.